Term tests.
Monday, December 01, 2008 at 1:12 AM
Finally, I attended church! :D Great accomplishment for me. Oh, but I didn't attend service. Had to help out Andrew with the P6s. The games session was fun! I felt like a kid again. Haha. Ok, I think Im always one. Hee.First game up was Dog & Bone, I think. Haha. Then there was Charades by Angeline, followed by Jacob's ladder by Marianne, Number game by Me and lastly, Cat and Mouse by Jeffrey. Haha. Hope the P6s had fun. I was a little worried about the age gap but thank God I didn't felt any. :D Managed to talk to this P6 girl called Rachel. :) She's cute man! Haha.
Went to Parkway with mummy. Bought shirts for ali and myself. :D & my jacket! Yay! Thanks Mum! Then, we went to get the ink and headed home! Mummy wasn't feeling very well. Hope she's getting better. Thanks Mum for everything! :D
Did practically nothing today except for tutorials. Need to get started with work already! Ahhh! Studying with Ali tomorrow. No time to lose! Terms tests! Ahhh, 5 subjects to take! Congrats to those who finished their A level exams, O level exams and PSLE! :D Yay! It's play time for you all! Alright, I gotta go already. My day was short and sweet. All the best to Daddy tomorrow! :)
Things they do,
gives me the move.
Words like these,
makes me go 'cheese'.
I thank God,
for people like them
and never would I want
to lose them.
I just hope we will get closer than ever,
staying happy together,
and that I would bring happiness to their hearts.
I really really love them from the bottom of my heart.
Just a random picture. This is Ah Fel! :D My cousin who always stood by me. Love her! :D